How to Prep Your Pup for Baby's Arrival

As I count down the day's until may baby's arrival, I can't help but wonder what it will be like to have my first born 'real' baby meet my first born 'fur' baby! HaHa I want to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible. Baxter is a 100 pound yellow lab that has been my rock for nearly 11 years. I’ve had BaxMan since he was a few weeks old. He’s lived with me in Ohio, North Carolina, three New York City apartments, San Francisco, & now Sydney, Australia. He is one cool pup.

As I imagine most of you at home would agree, these fur babies truly are part of the family, aren’t they? So what happens when our families expand? How do our animals react to the new pecking order? What can we do to ensure our homes are not only safe environments, but also happy environments, free of unnecessary tensions?

Below you will find a Q and A with Baxter's doctor from Bondi Vet, Dr. Kate Adams. Dr. Adams is one of the brilliant vets who helped save Baxter from the infamous corn cob that nearly took his life a couple months ago. Read the piece I wrote for Fox News here.

I have found Dr. Kate's answers very useful in my quest to make my home both baby and doggy friendly. I hope her answers resonate with you or someone you know!

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Benefits of Having Pets and Babies in the Same House

Pets and babies. Do they mix? Absolutely! Thank goodness that’s the answer celebrity vet, Dr. Kate Adams gives to that question. Of course I already knew the answer to that question seeing as though Baxter and Brooks are already best mates! Take a look at the fun chat Dr. Kate and I had about all the benefits of having animals in the house. So often you hear about the negatives. Well… we are sharing several positives! So what good things are associated with lifestyles which include pets? Everything from greater socialization skills to better gut health to lower rates of asthmas and respiratory illnesses.

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What I Miss Most from the Pregnancy NO NO Food and Drink List

There are sooooooo many NO NO's when it comes to what we can eat and drink during pregnancy. It's obviously worth it... But let's face it... it can be annoying! I am in the home stretch and have definitely had a few hankerings over the last 8 months! What about you? What do/did you miss the most while growing your small human?! Make sure to leave me a comment on social media. I just recently went to my husband's Christmas party... which of course had loads of yummy soft cheeses and cocktails that I couldn't enjoy. A lot of his co-workers were asking what I miss most. I think it's either dirty martinis or ice cold beer... or maybe pinot noir, or maybe sushi... gosh it's hard to pick. 

Above you will find a casual coastal walk chat with Dr. Jill Gamberg (Bondi Doctors), a friend of mine, about what we can and can't eat/drink during pregnancy. Hope it offers some valuable guidance for all my fellow expecting mommies!

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Belly Binding Post-Baby: Good or Bad Idea?

n the early hours after giving birth to my first born son, Brooks, I chose to use a belly wrap. I have read a lot about them and have friends who swear it has helped them get their 'inside bits back in order!' A woman's uterus needs to shrink back to its usual size and the bands are supposed to help. Critics say it is unnecessary or even a bad idea because the body becomes reliant on the splint rather than the muscles, which can leave the weak. Women have been having babies for the ages with and without wrapping their bellies around the world. But several friends have also told me the wraps have helped their tummies flatten out faster and that it's been good for building better posture. I have been wearing mine quite religiously and have noticed positive results. I can’t say whether this was the reason or wasn’t. My OBGYN and the midwives at the hospital in Sydney recommended I wear my belly wrap while I begin gently easing into my new fitness routine (at the beginning of the journey). So far so good!

I asked Dr. Jill Gamberg, a GP doctor at Double Bay Doctors about belly binding/wrapping/splinting. Here’s what she had to say:

“An abdominal binder is a wide compression belt that encircles your abdomen.  It may be used to speed-up the recovery process after abdominal surgery like caesarean section, bariatric surgery, or cosmetic surgery. It is thought to support your surgical incision, help relieve pain, enable you to move more, and reduce swelling.  It may offer secondary lumbar support.

Women may use an abdominal binder after vaginal childbirth to help shrink the uterus and lose weight. Some women use it if they have a large diastasis recti (abdominal separation) post-partum.  

It is advised to only wear from 2-6 weeks after childbirth.  There’s no scientific evidence that binding your belly gets you back into your pre-pregnancy jeans faster.  However, they may be helpful for some women, and it is definitely worth talking to your doctor or woman’s physiotherapist to see if one may benefit you.”

I have also done a Q and A I've done with the three sisters behind the ever popular brand, Belly Bandit. See what you think and decide for yourself if abdominal splinting/wrapping is for you.

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Safety Considerations for Involving Baby in Exercise

If you’re looking for safety considerations for involving babies in exercise, read on for my interview with a doctor. I have just launched a new online fitness membership for women called, Strong Sexy Mammas. I have just launched a new online fitness membership for women called, Strong Sexy Mammas. We were lucky enough to get some international coverage on the number one cable morning show in the world, Fox and Friends. Check it out!! Some of the workouts include babies into the exercises. Others do not. We cover strength, cardio, HIIT, stretching, pelvic floor lifts, etc.

I am merging my online following and local fitness community in Sydney (from the group exercise classes I teach) to help moms get their groove back physically and emotionally after having kids. I teach ‘Mums and Bubs’ classes in Bondi Beach at BUF Girls and Speedo Fitness Club. I see how much fitness empowers my participants during this transitional stage in life. Becoming a mother is amazing, but also challenging and frustrating at times. It can be hard when we look in the mirror after giving birth and not recognizing the body we see. It is an incredible body. We birthed a tiny human for crying out loud! We should honor that body. Give it the time it needs to heal, and then begin an exercise regimen appropriate for our specific needs.

I am an AFAA certified fitness instructor (with some extra ACE postnatal education), motivator, and fit girlfriend by your side, not a medical expert. I am using my journalism background to help you hear from an array of medical experts. I have a lot of interviews with women’s health professionals here that I hope you find helpful. Read on to hear from a doctor about considerations for involving babies in exercise!

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An Easier Way to Swaddle, What Works with our Baby Escape Artist

An easier way to swaddle. Doesn't that have a nice ring to it!?! This post should hopefully help you find the best way to swaddle your baby. I think I have seriously discovered the secret to swaddling a baby in a way that is easy for parents, won't wake up the baby, won't scare the baby, and won't allow the baby to wiggle out!

When my baby boy, Brooks was born I had stocked up on about a dozen muslin wraps I planned to use for swaddling. While in hospital, my husband and I tried the swaddle method we had learned in our parenting classes. After Brooks wiggle out, we had a midwife show us another method. Well, we quickly realized we had an escape artist on our hands. Brooks would wiggle his way out every time. Because of all the SIDS warnings from our instructor and all the baby literature we had been reading in the months leading up to his birth, we thought we better find another way. As new parents of course we were concerned he could wiggle out, kick up the muslin, and God forbid something horrible happen. It wasn't an unhealthy fear, but something we thought we had better sort out. Along with the safety hazards, I also realized every time I would take Brooks out of the swaddle to change his diaper, I would end up waking him, by having to move him around so much as wrapping him in. Some of these small failures may have been because I was new at swaddling, but I just thought, there has to be an easier way.

I tried another method which involves a velcro swaddle. Although it kept Brooks nice and snug and he was unable to wiggle out, any time I would undo the velcro, he would get quite a fright from the loud noise. 

Finally... a break came that would help all three of us get some extra shut eye! Some Aussie friends of my hubby's gave us what they called a summer, newborn, sleep suit. They swore by it, so we thought we would give it a try. It was dummy proof! We would just put our newborn in the suit, and zip him in! Brooks slept very well in it. His little arms were up by his face rather than in a straight jacket at his sides. He was able to soothe himself by still sucking on his hands, albeit through the light fabric.

The sleepy suit as we now call it is called Swaddle Up by Love to Dream. We loved it instantaneously and haven't looked back since. As the weather turned a little cooler and Brooks grew, we moved up to a size medium and a thicker fabric. He just started rolling a couple weeks ago so we are now using a version that allows the wings to zip off, allowing his arms to move freely. We initially just unzipped one side so he could get used to the new sleepy suit. He now has both arms free and is certainly sleeping like a baby! There is also a twin zip feature that allows caretakers to unzip the sleepy suit from the top to get bubby out, or from the bottom up to change his/her diaper while minimizing disturbances in position. 

I can't recommend these enough! The only downside I can see is the price tag. It will run you about $60 a pop! But I have to say, it has been a lifesaver for me. I can easily see why it won the award of Most Popular Swaddle award last year from the Mother and Baby Awards in Australia.

Below you will find a Q and A about swaddling methods with the founder of Love to Dream, Hana-Lia Krawchuk.

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How Pumping Helps Keep the Breastfeeding Commitment

I have been exclusively breastfeeding Brooks for 12 weeks now. Pumping has helped me get some necessary 'me time' that makes me the best mom I can be. I try to pump once a day to make sure there is some milk in the refrigerator for my husband to give Brooks if he gets hungry while I'm out and about for a couple hours. I have heard loads of moms complain about how having a newborn can be isolating. I believe it is very important to have a bit of time each day to myself. Activities that have helped me feeling good? Going for a coastal walk, enjoying lunch with a girlfriend, shopping at the local boutiques, or getting a small pump or swim on at the gym.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusively breastfeeding newborns for at least 6 months, in combination with solid foods until 12 months, and continuing longer if mother and baby desire. The benefits for baby seem to be endless. Which is why I have made the commitment to exclusively breastfeed for at least 6 months. But that's exactly what breastfeeding is... a commitment. I love how it helps me bond with my baby boy, Brooks, but as every new mom will tell you, there are a lot of challenges associated with it. Many women complain about cracked nipples, clogged milk ducts (and even sometimes getting sick with mastitis), overall breast soreness, and the need to never be too far from baby. Some moms have even said they feel chained to their baby by breastfeeding. Pumping can help new moms gain independence while still ensuring their babies reap the rewards of their mother's milk.

I love thinking about breastmilk like a superfood... made by me! It is such a special phenomenon. It makes me feel like super woman! Breastmilk contains antibodies to protect our babies from infection and disease.  It also contains nutrients that help with gut and brain development.  It is easiest and best for babies to digest and absorb.  I am making the commitment because babies who are breastfed are less likely to develop ear infections, respiratory infections, diabetes (type 1), allergies, eczema, asthma, and obesity. 

Below you will find a Q and A I did about pumping basics with one of the leading pump brands, Spectra.

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Baby Milestones: When Will Baby Do What!?!

Brooks has just turned 10 weeks old... or young I should say!  He is very smiley, lifts his head and can turn it from side to side when having tummy time, coos when he is on his own, and seems to almost try to get words out (cute random, sounds really) while making intense eye contact. As a new mom, I can't help but wonder, when he will laugh, roll over, crawl, walk, talk, etc. From my reading I have learned developmental milestones are grouped into the following categories: physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language. A great app I have been using for the last month or so is called, "The Wonder Weeks."

To learn about baby milestones, I have done a YouTube interview with GP,  Dr. Jill Gamberg from Double Bay Doctors. The video is below. She has also given us a few bullet points for reference.

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Fox and Friends: A Special Baby Announcement

Brooks getting an international welcome via the number one cable morning show in the world, Fox and Friends. A very big thank you to my colleagues at Fox News in New York City for the most lovely way to announce the birth of my first born child, Brooks Kooiman Stuckey. My heart is absolutely exploding!!!

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9 Months Pregnant, Final Beach Workouts with Speedo Fitness Club

I'm 9 months pregnant and about to pop! But I want to stay motivated until bub arrives. I feel as big as a whale and I've been dealing with a ridiculous amount of swelling in my feet, ankles, and legs, In fact I wrote about my 'cankles' in this piece for Fox News. But I feel so much better when I am active. So as long as I can, I'll be doing modified workouts.

I do plan on slowing down even more once I welcome my little man into this world. Along with the mommy/baby bonding, I also think recovery is so critical for both the mind and body.

In this video, Speedo Fitness Club manager and trainer, Levi Darby leads me through a less intense version of three exercises safe for month nine of pregnancy. Levi says his number one tip is to listen to your body. This is not the time to be increasing fitness levels. He also says to make sure not to let your heart rate or blood pressure get too high. And make sure to stay hydrated. Levi recommends focusing on low impact exercise and movements. Carrying the extra weight of your bub adds pressure to your joints as well as inflammation so avoid any sudden impacts or movements likely to aggravate. Practice positions that help prepare your body for birth. Deep squats are great for encouraging your pelvis to open and for your bubb to move into a great position for birth.

My friends, I truly hope these tips help keep you motivated though your pregnancy the way they have motivated me! As always, remember to always consult with your doctor.

LADIES: Please send this to a friend if you think she would enjoy this content from And don't forget to leave me some comment love on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. I LOVE to hear from you!

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Should I Eat My Placenta?! I'm Researching the Concept

"I'll have bacon, eggs, and a side of PLACENTA, please!" Wait, what's going on here? What world are we living in? 

I recently got into a funny television exchange about placenta encapsulation (steaming, drying, and consuming placenta in a vitamin-like pill form) while guest hosting my favorite Aussie morning show, Studio Ten. The topic came up during the commercial break, and given the hosts' intrigue with the concept, it was worked into our hot topics of the morning. Although not particularly common, each of the hosts had heard of the practice and all had different ideas on how it could be consumed. Raw? Fried in a pan with your breakfast? Baked like a brisket? Lolli-pops? Combined in a smoothie? Dried and encapsulated?

Most mammals eat their placenta after birthing their offspring. But does that really mean humans should be doing it too? Most other mammals also don't go to college, live in air-conditioned homes, or drive cars to work. But, for all the naysayers, I've had a couple friends tell me they ate their placenta after childbirth, and highly recommend it. The reasoning? It is believed, by some, to carry a whole host of benefits such as assisting with milk production for the all important breast feeding - and helping keep away postpartum depression.

The minimal scientific studies that have been done seem to be inconclusive as to the benefits, but that doesn't stop women from raving about it. A large amount of information I have found comes from published anecdotes from women who have consumed their placenta post childbirth and are true believers. They say it's helped their ability to  breastfeed and bond with their newborn, decreased blood loss, and improved mood and energy levels. On the flip side, many medical minds are skeptical, and strongly warn against it if the mother has an infection.

So here goes... Should I eat my placenta!?  I can't say it's a question I thought would be coming up a few days before I go into labor with my baby boy. Although the concept may sound quite out there, I am open to trying alternative practices, as long as reputable doctors (including my trusted OBGYN) don't think there is potential harm.

My baby boy is due any day now, so if this is something I'm going to try, I need to know it is safe, and I need to make sure a highly regarded placenta specialist is available. As part of my research, below you will find interviews I've done with Dr. Jill Gamberg, a General Physician from Bondi Doctors and Georgie Jhet, a doula who specializes in placenta encapsulation (recommended by my acupuncturist). If you are considering this practice, make sure you consult with your doctor first.

Ladies! Check out the full Q and A's below and let me know what you think. Is this too weird? Or is it something that will become mainstream down the track? Be sure to comment on my Instagram, Facebook, Twiiter, and YouTube pages.

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Active Truth Maternity Interviewed Me for Their 'How She Does It' Series

Active Truth has become one of my favorite maternity lines to wear at the gym or around Bondi Beach, Australia. It is an activewear company that serves women of every shape and size. Their designs specialize in super small to super big sizes so that no body is left out - and that includes pregnant women like me. I have tried out several lines of maternity activewear and just like some everyday-wear maternity lines, the quality is often sub-par. BUT, that is not the case with Active Truth. It is up there with Lululemon - and that's saying a lot in my book. Anyway, the founder, Nadia Tucker, recently interviewed me about my prenatal fitness routine for their 'How She Does It' series. The Q and A about my prenatal fitness and nutrition routine is below.

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Battle Ropes Modified Workout for Month 9 of Pregnancy

Modified Battle Ropes Pregnancy Workout with Speedo Fitness Club: Trainer, Levi Darby leads me through a less intense version of the cardio session for month nine of pregnancy. Remember not to start new fitness routines when pregnant.

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Sporty Preggo Spice! Comfy Kicks and Jackets

Sporty Preggo Spice!?! I'm in my final trimester and have never wanted to wear comfier clothes. But I still want to look cute! If you happen to be pregnant, I imagine you get where I'm coming from. I was drawn to this reversible jacket from Cupcakes and Cashmere instantaneously. You can wear it to the gym or even dress down your favorite stretchy LBD. These fuschia ADIDAS Originals have been some faves for a while now. They put the FUN in funky and keep me feeling fresh for long walks around New York City! I love this jumping picture. Still not peeing myself when I jump! LOL But I hear that's coming soon! ;-/

This week I've been showing off a few ways to style the bump while wearing non-maternity clothes. It can get a bit pricey to purchase a whole new wardrobe... particularly when you're only going to be wearing it for a few months. So for my moms-to-be.... I hope these posts give you some ideas to pinch some pennies!

 I just got back some New York City snaps from a few weeks ago (I was about 26 weeks pregnant. I'm now 31!). The photoshoot was with Anton Lombardi in collaboration with KK Bloom Boutique.

About this look, KK Bloom Boutique owner, Kendrick Allen, says, "The sporty look is a great trend that has taken the fashion world by storm. It's comfy and cute, while seeming effortless. Pairing a LBD or really anything basic under an oversized varsity jacket and sneakers will allow you to be comfortable during a very uncomfortable time." Kendrick adds, "The perfect little black dress is essential in every woman's wardrobe, especially when you're pregnant. You can dress it up or dress it down depending how you accessorize it or layer it. Look for something form fitting and a lot of stretch (to show off that beautiful bump). Susana Monaco is a perfect brand because her dresses are made with a stretchy, high quality, supplex fabric. Susana is great pregnancy and post pregnancy." If you like this look... Scroll up and down this post for the sporty jacket, funky purple ADIDAS, and a few great Susana Monaco little black dresses I've handpicked from Shop Style.

Friends! Don't forget to find me on social media and leave me some comment love! Also, share with a friend if she is expecting!

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Turning a JUMPsuit into BUMPsuit

If you follow me on Instagram you've probably realized I don't mind a good jumpsuit! Ha! I love them! But is it okay to make a JUMPsuit into a BUMPsuit?!

This week, I'm collaborating with an American stylist showing off a few ways to style the bump while wearing non-maternity clothes. It can get a bit pricey to purchase a whole new wardrobe... particularly when you're only going to be wearing it for a few months. So for my moms-to-be.... I hope the next few posts give you some ideas to pinch some pennies!

 I just got back some New York City snaps from a few weeks ago (I was about 26 weeks pregnant). The photoshoot was with Anton Lombardi in collaboration with KK Bloom Boutique. About this look, owner, Kendrick Allen, says, "The jumpsuit is a great way to chic up your wardrobe during pregnancy. Be sure to find one that has a lower inseam to give room for the baby bump. A lot of people are scared of florals, but if you add a touch, you can spice up your outfit taking it to the next level." Merlot and florals are both huge this season. Kendrick says they make one of her favorite combos! 

Scroll down to get a few looks I've handpicked from Shop Style.

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Preggo LBD Wins in 3 Ways: Floral Kimono, Blush Velvet Blazer, & Mango Leather Jacket

Preggo!? Here's a way a great Little Black Dress can win in three ways! Floral kimono! Velvet blush blazer! Mango leather jacket! 

Over the next few days I'll be showing off a few ways to style the bump while wearing non-maternity clothes. It can get a bit pricey to purchase a whole new wardrobe... particularly when you're only going to be wearing it for a few months. So for my moms-to-be.... I hope the next few posts give you some ideas to pinch some pennies!

 I just got back some New York City snaps from a few weeks ago (I was about 26 weeks pregnant). The photoshoot was with Anton Lombardi in collaboration with KK Bloom Boutique. About this look, owner, Kendrick Allen, says, "The perfect little black dress is essential in every woman's wardrobe, especially when you're pregnant. You can dress it up or dress it down depending how you accessorize it or layer it. Look for something form fitting and a lot of stretch (to show off that beautiful bump). Susanna Monaco is a perfect brand because her dresses are made with a stretchy, high quality, supplex fabric. Susana is great pregnancy and post pregnancy."

Friends! Don't forget to find me on social media and leave me some comment love! Also, share with a friend if she is expecting!

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Preggo Go To: Long Sweater and Maternity Leggings

Over the next few days I'll be showing off a few ways to style the bump while wearing non-maternity clothes. It can get a bit pricey to purchase a whole new wardrobe... particularly when you're only going to be wearing it for a few months. So for my moms-to-be.... I hope the next few posts give you some ideas to pinch some pennies!

 I just got back some New York City snaps from a few weeks ago (I was about 26 weeks pregnant). The photoshoot was with Anton Lombardi in collaboration with KK Bloom Boutique. About this particular look, owner, Kendrick Allen says, "Adding length and a little cold shoulder is super cozy and extra flattering."  For me, it's pretty basic. Leggings and a long, loose top is a no brainer. Unfortunately it's not just our bellies that get bigger... our bums too! The longer top is great on days we aren't feeling like attracting echoes of Sir Mix a Lot!

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Pregnancy Workout on Fox and Friends with Barry's Bootcamp in NYC

I am in my 25th week of pregnancy and Fox and Friends in New York City had me do a maternity workout with Barry's Bootcamp on air. I hope this inspires other women to keep moving and stay healthy while they are pregnant. I feel so lucky that I got to visit my friends and fans at Fox and Friends! Along with the pregnancy workout, we chatted about the fun travel I've been doing for I also got to announce some exciting USA TV news. I am guest hosting FOX LA's Good Day LA morning show Oct 16-20 on KTTV from 7-10am PST. The show streams LIVE on

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Anna Kooiman